Why FIRST PORT OF CALL is important

1. Why is it important to use our letter template to send to your Government leaders?
We believe that most of the recipients of our documents are aware of the facts behind the Government’s actions, but they are not alone, the majority of the UK public are not aware. We will make sure, from this point onwards, all actions taken by our leaders will be monitored to document any further harm that may come to the people in leaders and their staff that are following orders. We assume all staff will be made aware of their risk of following orders in the light of the revealing and compelling evidence put forward in this document.
2. What do we have to gain from our actions?
We’re simply trying to warn the unsuspecting carrying out orders without appreciating the possible legal consequences.
Please remember also that millions of the British people have not been duped by the Government’s propaganda, and have independently researched all the strong and circumstantial evidence in the public domain mostly from Government sources.
You may be unaware of unreported events, such as the continued relentless demonstrations involving hundreds of thousands of people with numbers increasing at each event, in London and elsewhere; and of the ‘Stand in the Park’ initiative where members of the public meet every Sunday in park locations all around the country.
To clarify, the type of people attending these events are ordinary people from all sections of society, every creed and colour, gender, sexuality and age. The time will come when their understanding will be commonplace.
3. Please consider these outcomes for your future as a human participating in our community and civilisation.
When it is publically and eventually proven beyond doubt that our assertions in this letter are factual, how will you feel about that? Knowing that you could have, together with your colleagues, done something about it. Alternatively, how will you feel knowing that you did your bit in making a stance with your colleagues and you did do something about it?
Remember, that at the end of the day the people will have the power to change things. All it takes is for good men and women to do nothing for evil to win.