Unnecessary and harmful lockdowns

1. Professor Jay Bhattacharya, of Stanford University, has labelled lockdowns, “The single biggest public health mistake in history.

Around 21,000 excess deaths during the first lockdown alone were not COVID-19 deaths. Lockdowns were never part of any pandemic preparedness plans prior to 2020. In fact, they were expressly not recommended in WHO documents. The introduction of such policies was not accompanied by any sort of risk/benefit analysis, however evidence of their disastrous effects on the physical and mental health of the population is now clear for all to see.

2. There is also a growing body of evidence.

30+ published papers show Lockdowns are not effective in containing a respiratory virus and do not have a positive effect on reducing mortality. Countries that have removed community restrictions have seen no negative consequences which can be attributed to the easing, with empirical data from many countries demonstrating the rise and fall of infections to be partly seasonal.