The MHRA and the UK Government appear to want it both ways

1. It was recently stated in Parliament it is now showing up in 0.096% of the UK’s population.

The MHRA seem keen to point out that if a person dies shortly after receiving a vaccine this does not indicate that there is any link to the vaccine. They are also eager to highlight that those who have died following the vaccine were elderly people or people with underlying illnesses. This is simply wrong. If someone dies shortly following the administration of a drug then it does indicate that the drug may have been the cause, even if it does not prove it.

A death following vaccination, no matter the cause, is not vaccine-related; yet a death following a positive test result, no matter the cause, is definitively a COVID-19 death. In neither case is there a determination to investigate.

2. Doctors for Covid Ethics - a group of eminent scientists and physicians.

In light of the concerning reports of increased mortality and adverse events related to the vaccines, a group of eminent scientists and physicians calling themselves Doctors for Covid Ethics, have submitted an open letter to the European Medicines Agency (EMA).

The primary concern of the Doctors for Covid Ethics was the potential for the vaccines to damage Endothelial cells which form the barrier between blood vessels and tissues, including the blood-brain barrier, potentially leading to problems including blood clots. This was something one of the eminent signatories, Professor Sucharit Bhakdi, highlighted in his video statement.

They also sought evidence from the EMA that the trials had ruled out the possibility that the gene-based vaccines wouldn’t get into the bloodstream and precipitate a potentially fatal overreaction of the immune system.

3. Additional concerns.

Additional concerns have been raised by the Japanese medicine regulator, who have found through – studies that those who have been vaccinated have concentrations of spike proteins in organs throughout the body. Other recent discoveries also suggest that the spike protein may have been seriously misjudged and could be toxic.

There are also discussions going on between eminent scientists as to whether the mass vaccination programme against COVID-19 could place selective pressure on the virus leading it to evolve and become more deadly.

There is clearly enough anecdotal, statistical, scientific and medical evidence to have serious misgivings about the emergency approval of these vaccines, especially considering, as pointed out by Doctors for Covid Ethics, that they were approved after most of the population had already been exposed to the virus.

It is also particularly concerning to hear of a possible rollout to children later this year. In doing so we are entering into very questionable ethical terrain. The effects of the vaccine on children are unknown and children are at extremely low risk from COVID-19.