
It’s imperative that you read this website to ensure that you are receiving unbiased data and information from respected scientific sources. There’s a lot of important information being left out of the public COVID-19 debate that you have a right to be aware of. We're glad you're here


Ask yourself

You will already have formed your opinion based on 18 months of listening to the UK Government’s narrative and you could even be backing the Government’s narrative, and we can’t blame you for that, so please bear with us whilst we offer you an alternative view to consider


Take action

We can’t emphasise enough how important it is for you to create a FREE letter to send to your local leaders using our online template software. We may only only have one chance to connect with you so we ensure that we have produced evidence that is compelling and provide a service that is useful

Let's do it together

Take action by sending one of our letter templates to a local leader today

Create PDF letter